
Phoenix Rejuvenator

The "Phoenix Rejuvenator" theme works with the "Rejuvenator" Healing code theme to reviving, repairing and rejuvenating the major organs and areas of the body
Phoenix Rejuvenator
83 products with this design

Dragon Detoxifier

The Dragon Detoxifier Theme works to cleanse all your major organs and bodily systems of toxins, metals, pollutants, harsh viruses and bacteria and balancing vitality overall.
Dragon Detoxifier | Dimension Series
79 products with this design

Wayshower Theme

The Wayshower theme is the only theme that does not require amplification as it is a built-in amplifier. Through the Wayshower theme, all negative, hostile, aggressive, stagnant energy is neutralized.
Wayshower -
100 products with this design